January 24, 2006 (pdf)

I have met with Rashid A. hamzah and I have expressed to him my endorsement of his book "I'll Have my Child Back" The Sojourner Truth Story".

John J. McEneny, Member of Assembly

November 17, 2005 (pdf)

On behalf of the Albany Public Library, I can also say that this project by a local author would also be a fine addition to our collection... and to be placed in our Local History Collection.

John Cirrin, Public Information Officer

June, 2003 (pdf)

Legislative Resolution

CELEBRATING the life and accomplishments of Abolitionist and Humanitarian Sojourner Truth and remebering her on the 120th Anniversary of her death on November 26, 1883

February, 1999 (pdf)

Legislative Resolution

CELEBRATING the production and performace of "And Aren't I a Woman" The Sojourner Truth Story, authored by Rashid Hamzah, which honors Sojourner Truth, a 19th Century Ulster County former slave and forerunner of the Women's and Civil Rights Movements.


Metroland Weeksweekly - February 1, 2001 (pdf)

The Troy Record - March 13, 1999

The Daily Freeman - March 12, 1999

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